Wine labeling will enable more informed choices, the EU claims

Picture of ll giornalista

The journalist

I am a food and wine journalist with over 20 years of experience wandering among the most famous vineyards and cellars in Italy and the world. My passion for wine and its stories began on these trips, where I learned the secrets of the wine art directly from those who live it every day: winemakers and producers who, between a chat and a glass, shared with me their knowledge. In every sip and in every story, there is a piece of the world to discover, and I am here to bring it to you, with the curiosity of someone who continually loves to learn and the desire to talk about every new discovery.

Picture of ll giornalista

The journalist

I am a food and wine journalist with over 20 years of experience wandering among the most famous vineyards and cellars in Italy and the world. My passion for wine and its stories began on these trips, where I learned the secrets of the wine art directly from those who live it every day: winemakers and producers who, between a chat and a glass, shared with me their knowledge. In every sip and in every story, there is a piece of the world to discover, and I am here to bring it to you, with the curiosity of someone who continually loves to learn and the desire to talk about every new discovery.

Immagine in stile Naïf che raffigura bottiglie di vino con etichette dettagliate e informative. Le bottiglie sono rappresentate in modo semplice ma giocoso, con etichette colorate e accattivanti che includono piccole illustrazioni o disegni.

Wine labeling will enable more informed choices, the EU claims

The European Union is promoting a major change in wine labelling, which could revolutionize consumer choice and promote greater awareness when purchasing wine. The EU argues that more informative labeling can guide consumers towards more informed and targeted choices.

A new perspective on wine labelling

Wine labeling has long been the subject of debate, with the aim of providing consumers with clear and detailed information about the product. The EU plans to introduce stricter rules to ensure that wine labels carry essential information such as the origin of the wine, the grape varieties used, the alcohol content and allergen indications.

Better awareness for consumers

This initiative aims to promote greater awareness among consumers. Detailed labeling will allow consumers to make more informed choices based on their personal preferences and dietary needs. It will be easier to identify wines from specific regions or produced using organic or sustainable methods.

Benefits for the wine industry

In addition to the benefits for consumers, this new labeling policy can benefit the wine industry itself. More informative labels can help promote the diversity and quality of European wines by providing details on regional wine traditions and production methods.

A step forward for the world of wine

This change of perspective on wine labeling represents an important step forward for the European wine sector and the international market. It will allow consumers to make more informed choices and wine producers to better communicate their stories and values through labelling.
