For tasting

Welcome to the exclusive section that talks about the wines being tasted at Bottega botlé, where every sip is an experience and every wine tells a story. Here, winemaking tradition meets Rewine technological innovation for a tasting that not only delights, but also informs.

Cover vini in degustazione da Bottega botlé

This area of the site is an invitation to explore, learn and share. Each label represents a story to discover, a terroir to appreciate, a producer to get to know. What we offer here is not just a virtual tasting, but a journey through the wine excellences, carefully selected by our sommeliers from the over 150 labels in our wine shop.

Through Rewine technology, you will have the opportunity to discover new labels, expand your wine knowledge, share impressions and remember your preferences. Thanks to the exclusive MemoryWine you can relive the emotions of each tasting, creating a personal diary of your favorite wines.

The live tasting experience, at Bottega botlé, is designed to be a continuous enrichment, in a friendly and stimulating environment. Whether you are looking for a timeless classic or eager to explore new excellences, in the shop you will find a unique and personal way to deepen your passion for wine.
