The 2021 IGT Preliminary of Cantine del Notaio

Picture of L’enologo

The winemaker

Exploring the world of wine is my passion and profession. Among enchanting vineyards and hidden cellars, I find fascinating stories and exclusive wines just waiting to be discovered. I am not just a wine enthusiast, but a narrator of the stories hidden behind every label. Every day is an adventure: selecting a unique wine, discovering its secrets and sharing them is what drives me. My mission? Taking you with me on this sensorial journey, one sip at a time, revealing the hidden treasures of the wine world.

Bottiglia di Il Preliminare 2021 delle Cantine del Notaio

The 2021 IGT Preliminary of Cantine del Notaio

The 2021 Preliminary of Cantine del Notaio: the freshness of Basilicata in an IGT white

A dive into the origins

The 2021 Preliminary of Cantine del Notaio represents a shining example of Basilicata's ability to produce quality white wines. Created from a careful selection of native and international vines, this wine stands out for its freshness and complex aromatic profile.

Winemaking and maturation

The art of winemaking lies in balancing tradition and innovation. The Preliminare comes from fermentation in steel, followed by a maturation period which enhances the aromas without overpowering them.

Aromatic palette

The flavor palette evokes fresh and exotic fruit, enriched with delicate floral notes. Each sip reveals its balanced structure and pleasant persistence, inviting a second taste.

Versatile combinations

Ideal with light appetizers, seafood and delicate fish dishes, the 2021 Preliminare celebrates Mediterranean cuisine, elevating its flavors with elegance and freshness.

To the future

The Cantine del Notaio continues to explore the winemaking potential of Basilicata, offering wines that tell the story of the land of origin and the passion of those who produce them.

Aglianico the 2021 Repertoire of the Notary's Cellars

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