Cerasuolo di Vittoria: the DOCG excellence of Sicily

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The winemaker

Exploring the world of wine is my passion and profession. Among enchanting vineyards and hidden cellars, I find fascinating stories and exclusive wines just waiting to be discovered. I am not just a wine enthusiast, but a narrator of the stories hidden behind every label. Every day is an adventure: selecting a unique wine, discovering its secrets and sharing them is what drives me. My mission? Taking you with me on this sensorial journey, one sip at a time, revealing the hidden treasures of the wine world.

Bottiglia di Cerasuolo di Vittoria D.O.C.G. Planeta

Cerasuolo di Vittoria: the DOCG excellence of Sicily

Unveil the essence of Sicily

Nestled among picturesque landscapes, from azure coasts to the rugged Iblean Mountains, Cerasuolo di Vittoria represents the pinnacle of Sicilian wine excellence. This extraordinary wine encapsulates the island's rich mosaic of cultural heritage, gastronomic excellence and viticultural mastery. Deriving from the Sicilian word “cerasa,” meaning cherry, Cerasuolo di Vittoria is testament to the vibrant cherries that thrive in Sicily's sunny orchards.

Union of tradition and innovation

Cerasuolo di Vittoria, the only DOCG classification in Sicily, is born from a harmonious blend of 60% from Nero d'Avola and 40% from Frappato. These native varieties are carefully cultivated in the fertile lands of Dorilli, a region renowned for its culinary prowess and agricultural richness. This wine is a brilliant embodiment of Sicily's commitment to preserving traditional winemaking techniques, while embracing modern advancements to enhance the quality and character of the wine.

Tasting notes: a symphony of flavors

When tasted, Cerasuolo di Vittoria welcomes the palate with a delicate balance of softness and structure, a distinctive sign of its refined blend. The Nero d'Avola component introduces depth and robustness, with seductive notes of ripe cherries and subtle hints of spice. Frappato, on the other hand, adds a refreshing lightness, embellishing the wine with floral aromas and a crisp, clean finish. Together, these varieties weave together a complex flavor profile that is inviting and deep.

Combining Sicilian elegance with gastronomy

The versatile nature of Cerasuolo di Vittoria makes it an impeccable companion for a wide range of culinary delights. Its lively acidity and fruit-oriented palate harmonize beautifully with the rich and flavorful dishes of Sicilian cuisine. From succulent fish preparations to robust meat courses and artisanal cheeses, this wine elevates every meal into a celebration of Sicilian gastronomy.

Sustainable viticulture: a commitment to excellence

In the production of Cerasuolo di Vittoria, particular attention is paid to sustainable viticulture practices. By respecting the delicate balance of the local ecosystem and employing organic farming techniques, Dorilli's vineyards not only produce superior quality grapes but also contribute to the conservation of Sicily's pristine natural environment. This commitment to sustainability is integral in the creation of wines not only exceptional in taste but also in their reflection of Sicilian environmental stewardship.

More than just a wine

Cerasuolo di Vittoria is more than just a wine; it is a celebration of Sicilian identity, a reflection of the island's rich heritage and a beacon of viticultural excellence. His creation, rooted in the harmonious blend of tradition and innovation, offers a sip of the soul of Sicily. As the island's premier DOCG wine, it continues to capture the enthusiasm of wine enthusiasts and connoisseurs around the world, inviting them to explore the depth and diversity of Sicily's wine treasures.

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