The unexpected encounter between tortellini in broth and Chardonnay

Picture of Aurelio Saporito

Aurelio Saporito

Hi, I'm Aurelio Saporito, Neapolitan DOC and passionate food and wine expert. My love for wine and cuisine comes from deep roots in the rich gastronomic tradition of my land. An inveterate traveler and curious explorer of the flavors of Italy, I have dedicated my life to discovering and telling the magic of food-wine pairings. Through my articles, I want to take you on a journey to discover hidden vineyards and authentic flavors, with a jovial approach that reflects the essence of Italian conviviality. Follow me to explore together the stories, landscapes and tastes that make Italy unique.

Picture of Aurelio Saporito

Aurelio Saporito

Hi, I'm Aurelio Saporito, Neapolitan DOC and passionate food and wine expert. My love for wine and cuisine comes from deep roots in the rich gastronomic tradition of my land. An inveterate traveler and curious explorer of the flavors of Italy, I have dedicated my life to discovering and telling the magic of food-wine pairings. Through my articles, I want to take you on a journey to discover hidden vineyards and authentic flavors, with a jovial approach that reflects the essence of Italian conviviality. Follow me to explore together the stories, landscapes and tastes that make Italy unique.

Un piatto di tortellini in brodo accanto a un bicchiere di Chardonnay frizzante, rappresentando l'audace abbinamento di cui parla l'articolo.

The unexpected encounter between tortellini in broth and Chardonnay

When we talk about combinations in the kitchen, we often stick to unwritten, almost sacred rules, handed down from generation to generation. Yet, in the bold game of combinations, there is always room for the unexpected. Today, dear readers, we will delve into little explored territory: the combination of tortellini in broth, a classic Emilian dish, and a glass of sparkling Chardonnay.

Before you turn up your nose in well-tempered skepticism, allow me to explain. Tortellini, with their rich and tasty filling, drowned in a light but aromatic broth, may seem at first sight to be the ideal companions of a light red wine or, for the more conventional, of a sparkling Lambrusco. Yet, Chardonnay, with its freshness and liveliness, manages to pleasantly surprise.

A young, crisp Chardonnay, with its floral notes and balanced acidity, cuts through the fat of the broth and tortellini filling, cleansing the palate and preparing it for the next bite. The sparkling wine adds a pleasant contrast to the soft and enveloping texture of the tortellini.

Of course, it's a combination that isn't found in food and wine manuals, but who said that rules aren't made to be broken? Ultimately, food and wine is also experimentation and discovery, a sensorial journey that sometimes requires you to dare.

Chardonnay by Antinori, elegance and tradition in Italian winemaking
