Tinazzi Campo delle Rose and seafood salad, a feminine toast

Picture of Aurelio Saporito

Aurelio Saporito

Hi, I'm Aurelio Saporito, Neapolitan DOC and passionate food and wine expert. My love for wine and cuisine comes from deep roots in the rich gastronomic tradition of my land. An inveterate traveler and curious explorer of the flavors of Italy, I have dedicated my life to discovering and telling the magic of food-wine pairings. Through my articles, I want to take you on a journey to discover hidden vineyards and authentic flavors, with a jovial approach that reflects the essence of Italian conviviality. Follow me to explore together the stories, landscapes and tastes that make Italy unique.

Picture of Aurelio Saporito

Aurelio Saporito

Hi, I'm Aurelio Saporito, Neapolitan DOC and passionate food and wine expert. My love for wine and cuisine comes from deep roots in the rich gastronomic tradition of my land. An inveterate traveler and curious explorer of the flavors of Italy, I have dedicated my life to discovering and telling the magic of food-wine pairings. Through my articles, I want to take you on a journey to discover hidden vineyards and authentic flavors, with a jovial approach that reflects the essence of Italian conviviality. Follow me to explore together the stories, landscapes and tastes that make Italy unique.

Bottiglia di Tinazzi Campo delle Rose Bardolino Chiaretto 2021 accanto a un piatto di insalata di mare in un giardino fiorito.

Tinazzi Campo delle Rose and seafood salad, a feminine toast

  1. On a bright spring day, a group of friends gathered in a flower garden, to celebrate the beauty of friendship and sharing. At the center of this meeting was the Tinazzi Campo delle Rose Bardolino Chiaretto 2021, a rosé wine that embodies lightness and freshness, highly appreciated for its style and elegance, particularly loved by the female palate.

This Chiaretto, with its delicate aromas of red fruits and a subtle floral note, captures the essence of spring in every sip. Created from Corvina, Rondinella and Molinara grapes, it offers a perfect balance between acidity and softness, making it an ideal companion for a variety of dishes.

To match this wine jewel, I opted for a fresh and colorful seafood salad. The salad, with its delicate seafood flavours, dressed with extra virgin olive oil and a hint of lemon, went wonderfully with the Chiaretto. Every bite was a hymn to freshness and lightness, a combination that reflected the grace and refinement of this wine.

While laughter and conversations intertwined with the clinking of glasses, the Tinazzi Campo delle Rose became the symbol of an all-female celebration. It was an afternoon where wine was not just a simple accompaniment, but an integral part of the experience, enriching every moment with its presence.
